Thursday, October 25, 2007

A reality engagement - can it get any worse!!!

I have just read on The Daily Mail online that Chanelle and Ziggy (or Chiggy) from the last Big Brother 8 are now going to get married a-la Posh and Becks style..and Chanelle possibly thinks she could be pregnant. Ye gods can it get any worse. This couple are as volatile as a volcano, and are on and off like a light switch. They have only known each other for 5 months and they are already declaring undying love for each other, well she is to him. I'm not sure about him, he doesn't look that pleased to me:

This sounds very similar to another reality couple that met on a celebrity Big Brother the other year. Well she was a normal person off the street type girl and he was from a boyband. And guess what? They got married and split up after a short amount of time...

Oh well I suppose they have to fill the papers with something other than news..

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