I seem to lose track of the days for some reason. I have no idea how they go by so quickly - is this what they mean by as you get older the days go by quicker? Although I must admit I kept thinking yesterday was Friday and got totally confused when DH was still going into work today..doh!!
And I still haven't uploaded the pictures I took yet, I will do that I promise!!
I am still stitching, although not as much as I would like to be doing. Hopefully now the nights are drawing in I will feel more like stitching.
I have to make an appointment with my Dr for next week or the week after - I am sleeping so much it is unbelievable. I am so tired all the time. And then when I am awake I am just so exhausted that all I want to do is sleep!! Well something isn't right so it's off to Dr I go - hopefully we can pinpoint what the problem is. It could either be my ME coming back out with a vengenance or I need a tonic or something. We will see, I am sure that it will be nothing but I will probably look like a pincushion by the time we get to the bottom of it. More blood tests again..ugh I hate those damn things.
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