Thursday, October 13, 2005

Found!!!! And icky me!! And some good

I have found the 2004 JCS Ornament magazine :-) It was in the drawer with all my other JCS mags all the time - doh!!! Still I can stop panicking

And the icky bit..thats me :-(

I should have taken a degree in the workings of a womens Why when you are waiting for something it doesnt arrive on time,when every month for the past 12 months it arrives on time, grrr.. plus I have been feeling decidingly sicky the past two days.. The mornings I am feeling not too bad, but come 5pm my stomach is doing somersaults all on its own. Last night I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep, and couldnt decide whether to get to the loo and say hello to the porecelain goddess or hope it goes away or I fall asleep soon. Luckily I fell asleep and woke up feeling not too bad. Now its 5.30pm and I am feeling really icky again..and if I go to pee again this afternoon I will scream..I'm thinking of taking up residence in the small well I am sure it will sort itself out in due way or t'other :-)

But I did have some good news this morning :-) I got a statement from my bank and I couldnt believe it, the £450 odd overdraft I had, has been wiped clean. :-) I sent them a letter saying that there was no way I could afford to pay it all off in one go and would they accept payments each month..well I hadnt heard from them so I assumed they werent going to be very forthcoming. Anyway it turns out that they have recredited the debit interest, which is what the overdraft was anyway, and I have a nil balance :-) Way to go for Nationwide :-)

And the other bit is that Telewest have upgraded the t.v. system to a new thing. Its like TiVo but not quite Tivo.. but you can watch the previous weeks programmes all the following week, so if you miss the likes of Casualty on Saturday you can watch it again on Monday if you want..or even again on Wednesday :-) They've also upgraded the internet service we have now from 4mb to 10mb :-) So in amongst the icky feeling I am feeling reasonably pleased with myself :-)

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