Monday, February 20, 2006

Wow - even he can surprise me..

Yep my dh..D. Bless him.

This evening when he got home from work, while we were pottering about in the kitchen we were talking about my car tax, which is due at the end of the month. Me being me just about has the right amount available in my bank account after I have paid all my debts etc. for the month. Anyway I dont know how we got around to this subject, maybe because he was asking if I had transferred the monthly money that I owe him, over to his account. I think I said something along the lines of that I hadnt done it yet, was just waiting for a couple of cheques to clear then would do it the same time as I would get my car tax. Well next thing I know he has disappeared upstairs like a bat out of hell.. Strange man!!

Now this is the surprise, he came down and said he would pay for a years car tax on my car.. Thud!! Yep that was me, once I had picked myself off the floor and closed my jaw..You see D rarely offers to pay for something, let alone a whole years worth of car tax, which incidently is £165.00 this year..ugh!! My first year paying this amount, considering the last years tax was with my little renault and was considerably cheaper being a smaller car. Anyway I digress, this is most unlike D, you normally have to plant a seed in his head and hope that he gets the idea eventually when it comes to spending

So now I am able to pay a whole year instead of the 6 months I was going to pay.. which also means the money I had earmarked for this is now all mine. Ok maybe not all mine, have to put petrol in the car, pay the credit card company who are baying for my blood a token payment..even if its just to shut them up for another Then I have whats Which is a miracle in itself, I normally exist on thin air during the months - oooh now what do I do with

So for the moment D is my favourite person, and has surprised me totally. I suppose its these little things that I do love him for, just wish he would do it more often...

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