Someone shoot me please... I have been rapidly stitching the replacement halloween piece for someone on one of my boards, where delightful Royal Mail has lost the original piece.. well anyway I have been stitching away on it like a bloody mad thing all weekend and best part of Friday, and it is driving me absolutely bonkers. To the point where I have shelved it and am now going to tackle another piece that shouldnt take so long...
It beat me I am afraid..I just couldnt stitch with black floss for hours at a time.. someone tell me why I had decided to do Anyway I am going to put it in my bag of stitching and will stitch it for myself, or possibly for next years halloween exchange - but at least I wont hate the damn thing by the time I have finished it at my own leisure..
So I have just printed off this gorgeous piece to stitch which I will sit and stitch today, since my ironing has all been done for the weekend and the housework is up to I can curl up in a freezing cold living room, I havent given in to putting the heating on yet, but will have to I think..*
Now I am off to soak in a HOT bath, with some gorgeous smellies, and find something warm to wear :-) Then find something on t.v. (that isnt a Rememberance Sunday service) and curl up with my new piece of stitching.
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