Monday, April 04, 2005

I have come to a realisation..

Well Dave I don't do funerals and don't do old people Image hosted by Now is this a bad thing or not, I’m still not sure on this one. Think I will have to think more about this one..

It mainly came about when Dave and I were talking about my Nana in Scotland. After a discussion with my mum it seems that my nana may be coming down to live with mum up the road from me..eeek. The thought of the pair of them in one room kind of gave me the collywobbles. I couldnt even bear thinking about mum and nana together permanently, and me going to visit them. So we came to the conclusion that as well as funerals I don't do elderly people Image hosted by

 Well the only elderly that I seem to do is my elderly geriatric cat Barney Image hosted by

There must be other people out there that don’t do funerals and elderly people…


Anonymous said...

I'm good with elderly people because when I was growing up my mum ran a penshioners keep fit class and I often went to see them when they were finished the class so I could get tea and biscuits. But on the other hand, I don't do kids. As much as I would like to have my own kids someday, I am absolutely useless with small children and tend to leave the room when they come into it if I can.

Measi said...

Saying hello-- I saw your post on the Rotation Stitchers' BB. :)

I don't do funerals that well-- mostly because I simply feel numb during them and am guilty for feeling that way. I think my brain shuts down my emotions to "handle it" better.


Measi said...

Saying hello-- I saw your post on the Rotation Stitchers' BB. :)

I don't do funerals that well-- mostly because I simply feel numb during them and am guilty for feeling that way. I think my brain shuts down my emotions to "handle it" better.


Anonymous said...

Saying hello-- I saw your post on the Rotation Stitchers' BB. :)

I don't do funerals that well-- mostly because I simply feel numb during them and am guilty for feeling that way. I think my brain shuts down my emotions to "handle it" better.


Suz said...

I don't do funerals. I went to my mother's when I was 11 and I haven't been to one since. I get a lot of flak for it, but I just absolutely refuse to do funerals.

I don't mind elderly people though (but I'm not about to have one live with me ;) )

Asbestos or not asbestos..that is the question.

Well after my little water leakage disaster in our living room the other day what I thought was going to be a simple insurance claim and a s...